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Future Question

1- Q- What do you think America’s future will be for immigration and urban challenges? How do you think you can effect change? A- I believe that immigration and urban challenges won’t be much of a problem in the future because America is already a melting pot when it comes to race and cultures, and immigrants are common in the country. I believe I can effect change by voicing my thoughts on this and trying to make a difference. (Josh) I on the other hand think that America's future for immigration and urban challenges will be a major issue.  Now that we have Donald Trump as our president and the fact that he's taking DACA away, deporting plenty of immigrants, and only focusing on trying to “Make America Great Again” by making this country only about business, the possibilities are endless as to what may happen.  Since Social Media is becoming bigger and bigger by the second, it already is a humongous platform on spreading news and awareness such as these events.

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