
1- Q- Who were the nativists? Why do you think they felt so strongly politically? If you were alive then, would you have supported them? Why or why not?
A- The nativists were Americans and others who opposed immigration. They felt so strongly politically because they didn’t want immigrants in the country, and because a flyer gave Americans this warning “Look at the... thieves and vagabonds [tramps] roaming our streets... monopolizing [taking] the business which properly belongs to our own native and true-born citizens”.  If I was alive then, I wouldn’t have supported them because they don’t want the immigrants to stay in the country, but, where else would they go for a good life? (Josh)

2- Q- What (ethnic) groups of people were trying to move to America? Describe all of the push-pull factors that led to their journey. If you were alive, do you think you would have migrated? Describe why or why not.
A- The Germans and Irish were trying to come to America. The Irish came due to the potato blight which was a disease that caused the rotting of potatoes. The Germans came due to religious persecution. If I were there, I would have migrated as well because I wouldn’t want to be persecuted because of my religion, and wouldn’t want to starve to death. (Sebastian)

3- Q- What was the goal of the Know-Nothing Party? Why did the Party try to limit the rights of immigrants? How might the rise of anti-immigrant groups lead to problems in the United States? If you were alive then, do you think you would have supported the Party? Why or why not?
A- The goal of the Know-Nothing Party was to keep Catholics and immigrants out of public office. The Party tried to limit the rights of immigrants by creating laws, such as requiring immigrants to live in the United States for 21 years before becoming citizens. The rise of anti-immigrant groups led to problems in the United States because the immigrants and the anti-immigrants were at battle. If I were alive then, I wouldn’t support the party because, again, they don’t want the immigrants to stay in the country, but, where else would they go for a good life? (Josh)

4- Q- How did the Industrial Revolution affect life in American cities? What was the new middle class like that the rise of industry created? Do you think there is a “middle class” in America today? Explain your reasoning.
A- The Industrial Revolution led to the creation of many new jobs in American cities. The new middle class was a social and economic level between the wealthy and the poor. I think that there is a middle class in America today because there is the rich, average, and poor. (Sebastian)

5- Q- What were tenements? Describe them. What problems affected American cities in the mid 1800’s? Do you think America still has these problems today? Explain why or why not.
A- Tenements were poorly designed apartment buildings that housed larger numbers of people. They were often dirty, overcrowded, and unsafe. The American cities faced many challenges due to rapid growth because public and private transportation was limited, and city residents had to live near their workplaces. Cities such as New York City lured thousands of people in search of jobs and a better life. (Sebastian)


  1. I'm not sure if it was just for me but the top question were in black and where hard to read so I just highlighted it but good answers.

  2. Hello Sebastian,
    I agree with you when you stated that you will choose to migrate if you were alive then. I wouldn't want to stay in a country where the food supply isn't stable at all. Neither a country where I cant follow my own beliefs. Linked is a photo of how the potatoes in Ireland looked like because of the potato blight. Potatoes was one of the main food supplies in Ireland, and i wouldn't want to eat these types of potatoes.
    Best- Valery Cardona

  3. Hello Joshua,
    I agree with you when you stated that you wouldn't have supported the nativist groups if you were alive then. But did you know that the first of many nativist acts of Congress was the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1822. This act of course was to limit the flow of the immigrants.
    Best-Valery Cardona

  4. All the imformation is very important for us to know and it is very well researched

  5. Hello Sebastian,
    I find it quite interesting that potato's, the most reliable food source in Ireland, had become infested because, potato's were something that a lot of the Irish people had to eat. And now with all of the potato's rotting many people have a high risk of starving to death. So, I understand why many Irish people would want to leave their country and come to America. (Link explains further into detail about the infestation of the potato's and the effect it had;
    Thank You, Jeffrey

  6. Hello Sebastian,
    I overall great job on your project, but I still have a question, besides the potato, did Ireland have any other crop they depended on?

  7. How did the Germen and the Irish get to America if they had these troubles because wouldn't you die on your way?


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