Future Question

1- Q- What do you think America’s future will be for immigration and urban challenges? How do you think you can effect change?
I believe that immigration and urban challenges won’t be much of a problem in the future because America is already a melting pot when it comes to race and cultures, and immigrants are common in the country. I believe I can effect change by voicing my thoughts on this and trying to make a difference. (Josh)

I on the other hand think that America's future for immigration and urban challenges will be a major issue.  Now that we have Donald Trump as our president and the fact that he's taking DACA away, deporting plenty of immigrants, and only focusing on trying to “Make America Great Again” by making this country only about business, the possibilities are endless as to what may happen.  Since Social Media is becoming bigger and bigger by the second, it already is a humongous platform on spreading news and awareness such as these events. I think I can effect change by telling people my age about such current events because this generation will be the voice of the future. (Charlene)

I agree with Charlene. Hopefully, in 20-30 years it won’t be that much of a problem. However, now it is far from being resolved. Since, Donald Trump has been elected and is currently president there are several occurrences where people have been rude to minorities. I know that at one point there was a fear in the Hispanic/Latino community where speaking Spanish was scary. There have been plenty of occasions where someone would verbally abuse someone for speaking Spanish. Other times where people who were wearing hijabs were also harassed. (Shelsy)


  1. How much do you think will change in the future? What do you think will stay the same? (Charlene)

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  3. Hello Charlene,
    I definitely agree with what you stated "this generation will be the voice of the future" because our generation should be the one that makes the greater difference. To actually put aside all of our differences and imperfections of the world and all come as one. (Link is a picture in which I believe has a really great meaning because, America isn't the only country going through so much; http://www.theglobalmovement.info/wp/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/2012-12-11_1355193485.jpg)
    From, Jeffrey

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  6. Hello Charlene, I agree with you and Shelsy because we are the future and we can make a change. The dexterity of this topic is well constructed by both of you. We are all people no matter where we are from or come from. This system helps assist those who need help accomplishing this better lifestyle for their family which can't be taken away like that. Like you said, "this generation will be the voice of the future" we truly need to help.
    Warm regards, Karianna

  7. Hello Josh, I see where your getting at with America already going down hill, but the bigger picture of people being separated from their families and having to leave to a new land (possibly immigrated young) is harsh. Voicing your opinion is one thing that the majority of people do already, but bringing more attention to the matter does help. Even though, we are "a melting pot", possibly lowering the heat can prevent future discrepancies.
    Sincerely , Karianna

  8. Shelsy i agree with you about how its scary for people to speak Spanish I have experienced it first hand since I know a little Spanish and my friends mom barely knows English I had to translate the best way I can and ended up getting dirty faces from other people in the store I was in.

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  10. Hello Shelsy,
    I totally agree with you about how Hispanics/Latinos have fear. Totally, today in general we have immigrants who put hard work in this country, who ever since Donald trump took office, are now afraid of going out with their family. Now our jobs as the future is to change these problems by utilizing our voices and make a difference. Today we have Hispanics/Latinos being disrespected just because of minor things.

  11. Hello Charlene,
    I agree with what you explaining about how Trump reform on DACA and how we can make a difference and change. I liked the fact that you connected it to social and how we can spread awareness about the reform of DACA that the trump administration has under gone. I also like how you connected modern day news to the next generation.

  12. Hello Charlene,
    I agree with you, it is ridiculous how Trump is using his power. He should not take Daca away. I also like how you included social media in your opinion. Social media is a very important thing in todays society sadly. http://www.mcall.com/opinion/letters/mc-gomez-trump-immigrants-daca-20180312-story.html

  13. Hello Josh
    I disagree with your opinion on the future question because if immigants and urban challenges are a problem now dont you think that people that believe there are a problem are most likely to want to get rid of them if they feel so strongly i highly doubt that there opinion on them would change.


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