Modern Day Reads

1A- Q- What does the White House claim is needed to secure the U.S./Mexican border (6 things)?
A- The White House claims they need physical infrastructure, technology, personnel, resources, authorities, and an ability to close legal loopholes that are exploited by criminals. (Shelsy)

1B- Q- How much (trust fund) does the White House plan to spend on a border system? Do you think this expansion of national security is a good use of American tax dollars? Explain why or why not.
A- They need a trust fund of 25 billion dollars. I personally don’t think citizens tax dollars, so much of it should be put into it. All that money could be used for something else that could improve the U.S. For example, it could be used for schools, making them safer, giving teachers a better wage, and expanding our curriculum. According to multiple other sources the United States of America is (multiple times) not even in the top 3-5 ranked in the best of education. (Shelsy)

1C- Q- What is DACA? Do you think it is a fair policy? Explain why or why not.
A- DACA stands for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals. I think it is a fair policy because it allows those who were born here illegally, permission to stay and possibly work towards citizenship. Since, they know the United States as home, it’ll be completely unfair to force them to a country that they’ve never gone to. (Shelsy)

1D- Q- How does the Reform on Border & Security relate to the issues of the Know-Nothing Party’s immigration reform in the 1800’s?
A- Again, The Know-Nothing Party purposely/tried to keep any immigrant or Catholic out of public office. This relates to each other because DACA requires a “dreamer” to be here for 10-12 years with evidence of a job, education, and development of a good moral character. However, DACA has nothing to do with religion, which was something significant that the Know-Nothing party had tried to accomplish. (Shelsy)

2A- Q- Click the link “varies across the country”. What is the minimum wage in NJ? In NY? On a federal level? Why do you think in no no state working a 40 hours a week, the middle-working class American can not afford housing?
A- The minimum wage in New Jersey is $8.60 an hour and in New York it is $10.40 an hour.  On a federal level, all states in the U.S. can’t have a minimum wage lower than $7.25 per hour.  In any state, middle-working class Americans cannot afford housing because housing would have to require a worker to be paid more than $20 an hour and if you were working on the average $7.25 per hour, working only 40 hours a week would not satisfy the amount needed for rent. (Charlene)

2B- Q- The Fight for $15, a worldwide effort to raise the minimum wage started in 2012. Some business owners claim that raising the minimum wage would lead to higher prices for consumers or eliminate jobs. Do you think their proposed goal to raise the federal minimum wage is a good idea? Explain why or why not.
A-  I honestly think that it depends on one's perspective whether or not the goal to raise the federal minimum wage is a good idea.  As a worker, raising the minimum wage can be beneficial to their pocket because they are making more money per hour. But company owners may have to raise prices on products because having prices lower than how much workers are getting paid does not give company owners enough money.  This may lead to eliminating jobs, which hurts workers. But if company owners don't do this, their company won't make any profit because they are paying their workers more money. Regardless, prices on products are going to rise and consumers may find it troubling to afford these items.

2C- Q- What types of occupations are projected by 2024 to pay too little cover rent (list them all)? How much do they make on average? How many American families end up spending half of their paychecks on housing? What do you think about this projection?
A- The types of occupations projected to pay too little cover rent would be customer service representatives, personal care aides, nursing assistants, retail sales people, and food service workers. On average, they make between $10 and $16 an hour. More than 11.2 million families will end up spending half their paychecks on housing. I think that considering the fact that I come from a family who also spends more than half of their paychecks on housing, I believe it is unfair because my mom works more than 10 hours everyday every week and every penny she worked for is taken away by her paying for rent. (Charlene)

2D- Q- How does the standard of living for the middle-class citizens in America in the 1800’s compare to the standard of living middle-working class Americans have today? Explain your reasoning.
A- They both compare by citizens then and now having to work long hard hours and with every hour, they are not paid enough to go take care of themselves or even afford living in a proper home. Basically, the government back then and now we're not giving enough money to workers and taking advantage of them. (Charlene)


  1. I think question 1b of modern day reads is not there but great job on your information for the other questions .

  2. Hello Shelsy,
    I definitely agree with you with the DACA policy. It's a great opportunity for all of the children born into the country illegally. It will be unfair if the government sends them to an unknown country. Linked i have an example of a real life girl how was born an immigrant in the U.S. 2 days before Barack Obama ordered DACA she was planning on leaving the country and go to her native Mexico because she couldn't afford tuition. When Obama passed DACA that saved her! Check out her story!
    Best-Valery Cardona


  3. Hello Charlene,
    I agree with with you when it comes too perspectives in minimum wage. However, i question do you think that the minimum wage will ever be stable? Linked I have a chart where the mininum wage is show over the years.
    Best-Valery Cardona

  4. Hello Shelsy,
    I agree with what you have stated, DACA is giving the people who have grown up illegally in America and are able to call America their home, the chance to reach towards something they may not have been able to in their "original homes". The reasoning for the parents bringing their child to America at such a young age, is so that they would grow up to become something great. Is it not? (The link shown doesn't only show how immigrants are being discriminated against, but also how people from the LGBTQ community are reacting to DACA trying to be taken away;
    Best, Jeffrey

  5. Hello Charlene,
    I understand how most families usually spend their paychecks on their housing rent, but wasn't it their choice to live their life the way it is? I mean I could be wrong, but I believe that if somebody is working and living very poorly and can't afford much to buy, didn't they choose to be living the way they are? Because it couldn't just had been their "fate". (This link describes a lot about low-wage jobs, people who usually work these kind of jobs are the ones who aren't very "skilled" or "educated"
    Thanks, Jeffrey

  6. Hello Shelsy, I agree with your third question about DACA and how it would be unfair to send away immigrants who've grown up here. Its a very malicious thing to do to someone even if they weren't born here. The integrity and civility DACA brings to immigrants is pleasing enough and taking that away is cruel. For example,
    Yours truly, Karianna

  7. Hello Shelsy, I consider your statement completely right in wanting to apply the tax dollars to help better the curriculum. That excess amount of money can definitely be shared and/or applied to something else to better the states as a whole. For example, giving a little more insight.
    Love, Karianna

  8. Hello Shelsy,
    I know DACA helps these poor kids who only come to the United States who like the other kids also come here to seek for the American dream, but can you see some of the downsides, many Americans can get angry because supposedly DACA students go to school for free and many Americans get mad at this and especially when they take the jobs that the Americans also want. Im in favor of DACA but thats why Hispanics/Latinos get discriminated.

  9. what is physical infrastructure? i don't understand that part.

  10. hello charlene
    i do agree how it is outragous on how if you were working a job it would not satisfy your need to pay a two bedroom house

  11. Hello Charlene,
    i Agree with what you are saying about about how every sigle person working at minimum wage has to struggle with the fact that there hard earned are being taken by bill collectors and they are barely getting by because of it

  12. Hello Charlene,
    I agree with you many amercians work hard and can't even afford decent living standards, it is especially hard when you have a child. Most people live from paycheck to paycheck which is ridiculous. For example,
    Sincerely, Jason

  13. Hello Shelsy,
    I agree with you DACA is a great program. Immigrants should not be forced out of something they call home, that is just ridiculous.


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